26 April, 2010

Monday Shopping List

I tweeted yesterday, quite late at night in the UK (2am) apologising for not commenting on everyone else's blogs lately. I wasn't in the best place emotionally last week, I was stressed with all my deadlines and I was horribly ill :( and luckily I had all my posts planned out for the week before then. But this week I am hoping to pick up the pace and reconnnect with people!

Also on my agenda is nostalgia. This academic year is fast coming to an end now and soon I will be (hopefully) moving off to University and moving into the next chapter of my life. It is little scary and it keeps sending me into daydream mode where I think about what I have done during high school and college. I wanted to reflect this 'reminiscent' theme in the fashion...

Urban Outfitters UK

River Island


There is so much more to this style that I could spend hours shopping for! It's such an easy look to achieve too and there are elements such as the belts that are interchangebale with other styles - for example, the brown studded belt can be used with simple jeans and a cute t-shirt when you're going to the shops for some milk... I like to make the effort even if it's only to go down the road!

{Taking It Back:}
Urban Outfitters UK
River Island
Monsoon's Accessorize


LifestyleBohemia said...

LOVE that sequin top! What an easy way to dress up jeans on the weekend. Love your selections.
Have a great day!

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

I am absolutely in love with the blue striped skirt from River Island! Running over to check it out right now, thank you so much for sharing! Hope you're feeling lots better!! xox

Summer Candia said...

Yeah good haul today I was quite suprised myself tbh, and thank you for understanding! :D <3

Valerie said...

Oooh, I LOVE all three skirts. Especially the blush colored one. So pretty!


Mrs. Wedding Crasher said...

Congratulations! This is such an amazing and exciting time in your life full of change and new experiences :) Savor it! Cute picks btw!

Diana Mieczan said...

Great pictures!
I adore River Island! The pink skirt with black detailing is just stunning :)
Have a wonderful day!