28 May, 2010


My sincerest apologies for the severe lack of posts this month! I haven't forgotton about my blog it's just that my wireless mouse for my laptop is broken and I refuse to even attempt editing with the laptop mouse pad thingy; I can barely use it to navigate as it is.

I hope everyone is well? What have I missed? Also, many thanks to all who commented on my last post and thank you Marie for your last comment, I am well! :) I have a few post ideas lined up, ready for me to get drafting as soon as I can replace my damned mouse and then it should be back to business as usual - that is the plan anyway. I will also catch up as much as I can on all your posts, I have missed your blogs much!

Has anyone seen Sex and the City 2 yet? I haven't and will not be able to until next weekend unfortunately so please, no spoilers! But do tell me: is it good? Does it live up to your expectations?

P.S. Add me on Facebook if you like, I am on there much more than here at the moment as it requires minimum mouse pad effort haha.

My url is: http://www.facebook.com/Denoted

But please, if you do add me send me a message alongside the friend request saying that you follow my blog so I know who you are. I don't want to reject anyody without realising who you are :)

14 May, 2010

Friday Shopping List

I have never felt that I could wear a Maxi dress because I am not that tall and nor am I particularly skinny! But I saw some really nice ones in TopShop on Thursday and it left a burning desire for one. I should try some on just at least see what it might look like on me as I have never even tried one on... can't hurt.
The dresses that I saw in TopShop are not actually displayed on their website... and they were so pretty. But here's one that I didn't see in store that looks ewually beautiful :)

This dress has a vintage feel to it and the colours and patterns are not as bold as some of the other maxi dresses you come across.

Now Net-A-Porter have some amazing maxi dresses!  These are the ones that I think are the best :D

{Maxi(mised) Links}

Ok, so also on my agenda is getting my hair cut again. I get bored with my hair so quickly and I find it hard to be happy with the hairstyle/cut that I pick even just after getting it done.  I have been thinking about getting a shorter fringe again and I have drawn great inspiration from Demi Lovto. The main body of my hair would be different as my hair is slightly straighter than Demi's, but the thing I am after if the style of her fringe:


13 May, 2010

Thursday Shopping List

I am sorry I did not do a post yesterday, I was too preoccupied with some personal things and I ended up being caught up on Facebook with... stuff and such... >__> Anyway, after college I decided to go into town for a bit and just have a little look around. I needed tights and I promised myself only those tights and possibly a drink. But when I went into Primark I found too many bargains that I simply couldn't pass up! I will be posting picture this weekend hopefully, if I can get the 10mgpx to work haha. Today on the other hand, I will be sharing something different.

I have been thinking about dressing, what would considered to be 'conservative'. Pun not intended. Honest.

Plenty of floral, feminine and romantic ruffles with soft, pastel colours. I think lace is also very effective for the conservative look because it's taditional and if worn properly, hightens femininity rather than... well you know.

{Conservative Links}

11 May, 2010

Tuesday Shopping List

I am not happy today. Arguements, tears and to top it all off - I am now officially under a Conservative Government with David Cameron as Prime Minister. Does not bode well for my university plans at the moment. Fml.

So I'm pretty much just going to show you how I feel through the beautiful clothes on Polyvore (lol). I might not be happy with the parliamentary results but the United Kingdom - London, is still my home <3

The below outfit does not fit my mood but I adore it still, so I could not resist sharing it :)


10 May, 2010

Monday Shopping List

It's May and there are still grey blankets of clouds hiding the beautiful blue sky behind... and I'm still slaving away with mock exams, lol. I got home at round 2:30pm and I just so easily slipped into one of those deep, deep naps - and it makes me wonder how the heck I managed to stay awake before?! Anyway, it seems I have hit the nail on the head with the 2010 fashion trends according to Gok Wan (he's so cute!), but to do another post on romance inspired clothes just won't do.

So my focus today is on city inspired clothes ^__^ Perhaps it's the current political crisis that has induced this? As of yet, there have been decisions on who is to consist of the coalition government. Gordon Brown has stepped down as Prime Minister.

{New York}

I have always viewed New York fashion to be hard edged and bold. I think animal prints like the bangles, high heels or the tomboy chic that reflects what feminism fought for is the image I can conjure of the Big Apple. A big city with big ideals and lots happening!


LOVE this jacket.

Paris is of course labelled as the city of romance - the style chic, sleek and unique. In the UK at the moment, it seems that Paris adorned tees are in and New York adorned tees are phasing out.

My boyfriend is French and cannot understand the fascination for french fashion but he does like to shop in Zara in the as of yet, fairly undiscovered mens section for the males of Britain haha.

The Union Jack does not seem to be around much now either, it phased out pretty quickly which is a bit of a shame because there were some really nice tops. However I did discover this gorgeous Union Jack Chanel purse through google though!

Bon Appetite!

{The Metro}

09 May, 2010


I love the smell of books with their wise pages, rough and tingly on my fingertips and sensual to my eyes...

What book(s) are you reading at the moment?